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"Changing a habit has much more power than just following a diet"

Grace Ibarra has a degree in Nutrition from the School of Public Health and Nutrition of the Autonomous University of Nuevo León. In 2014, he founded Hábitos Inteligentes , a nutritional consultancy that specializes in nutritional education, with 10 years of experience in private practice.

In 2020 she graduated from the Ángeles Wolder Institute in Barcelona, Spain as a Therapist in Biological Decoding and Emotional Overweight. Grace has worked with hundreds of patients helping them improve their lifestyle through improving their eating habits.

In addition to working with Health, Nutrition and Wellness programs for companies such as: Banregio, Whirlpool, Acosta Verde, Citrofrut, Grupo Gonher, Iconn, Petro 7, Tecnológico de Monterrey, CFE, Grupo Industrial Saltillo, among many others.

"Eating healthy is not dieting, nor is dieting stopping enjoying"

– Grace Ibarra

More from Smart Habits

At Smart Habits our commitment is to your health, we believe that a change in eating habits and a good nutritional education will have much greater benefits than a diet or challenge.

We have experience since 2012 and to date we have worked with more than 3,500 people.

We are proud to be part of the Victoria 147 network of women entrepreneurs.

How is a consultation?

The focus is nutritional education to accompany you to create permanent healthy habits, where food becomes a tool and you start to use it depending on what you need.
We support you to identify your objective, that you know your body composition and what your body needs.

How is a consultation?

The focus is nutritional education to accompany you to create permanent healthy habits, where food becomes a tool and you start to use it depending on what you need.
We support you to identify your objective, that you know your body composition and what your body needs.

Consulting room

San Pedro Garza García

206 Rio Colorado Street, Local 15
Col. Del Valle, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon

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