Today there are a large number of diets or strategies to lose weight, many times the desperation is so great that we end up hearing comments such as: "follow such an alternative, it worked for me" or "this is the best way to lose weight and it works for all people " that is why our goal with this publication is for you to know what intermittent fasting is based on, since it is a very famous topic today.
Intermittent fasting is a restriction in food consumption, followed by a normal diet.

"Fasting cannot be considered a diet, since it is a pattern that involves restricting food for a certain time, while the concept of diet is the habitual intake of food and drink."
There are three types of fasting:
Alternate-day fasting: Alternate days of normal consumption of food with days of fasting. On fasting days there is a restriction of 25% of the calories needed and a maximum restriction of a total of 500 calories.
5:2 Method: Normal eating period 5 days a week and calorie restriction period for 2 days (maximum 500 calories)
Method 16:8 : I fast every day for 16 hours and with a feeding period of 8 hours a day.
Science has highlighted some benefits such as the following, as long as we eat healthy.
Various studies have shown that there is an increase in the production of growth hormone (important for fat loss and maintenance of lean mass).
During the fasting period, insulin levels decrease and this helps to use fat as an energy source.
Better control over appetite hormones (leptin and ghrelin)
You can preserve muscle mass and lose fat at the same time, however, this is still not 100% proven.
There are certain candidates where intermittent fasting could be an option, such as having a reduced appetite, people who skip breakfast and are not very hungry at lunch, little time to eat their meals, and in the last phases of fat loss. body, but always taking into account that it is a short-term strategy. The possible long-term consequences are unknown, in addition to the fact that it is not for everyone and it always has to be controlled by a professional.

"In summary, intermittent fasting could improve health; however, more clinical research is needed before recommending its use"
The World Health Organization does not include it among its recommendations to prevent obesity and other chronic diseases, but rather promotes a healthy diet and regular physical exercise. Likewise, the Association of Dietitians of the United Kingdom and the American Institute for Cancer Research agree that, despite the fact that potential health benefits have been seen with fasting, this practice can cause important adverse effects such as irritability, difficulty concentration, sleep disturbances, dehydration, and nutritional deficiencies, and that potential long-term health consequences are unknown.
In the end , the most important thing is to create long-term habits and along with this strategy there can be problems with adherence, since we are human and most of the time we want to be eating food.